A Demented Waltz with Dead Russian Officials

How you play is you can either choose a Russian official or a dead author. Everyone wants to be an official because it’s more exciting. Usually Ivan the Terrible gets picked first, and then Rasputin, then Lenin and Stalin and all the more recent ones, and if you go down the row and people start running out of Russian officials they know about, or if they named one that didn’t exist, they can be either a boyar or a bureaucrat and they have to stand on the other side of the room. The kids who have been playing for the longest usually aren’t boyars because if you’ve been playing long enough you start collecting the names of Russians and listening to the ones other people pick, so there’s seniority.

There are usually fewer authors, but there’s always a Dostoevsky and a Tolstoy and sometimes a Gogol. You only need a few authors, anyway.

Now here’s how it works: everyone lines up, the officials on one side of the room, the boyars and bureaucrats on the other side. The authors stand in the middle. The game doesn’t begin until an author walks up to an official and denounces them, and then that official has to try to throw the author in Siberia, so they join hands and the weird part is they waltz, but they’re both pushing at each other, and the official is trying to push the author to the northern end of the room, which is Siberia, and the author is trying to push the official to the boyars and bureaucrats who are all standing with one hand against the wall and reaching, because if you’re a boyar and you touch an official then you get to throw the official in Siberia and then take his position on the other wall. Then maybe someone will come up and denounce you and you can waltz with them for a while. The goal is to get all the authors thrown in Siberia, which is why it’s not very fun to be an author.

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